Activity 3.3.3 – My Plastic Use
31What are Microplastics? What are microplastics? Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic less than 5mm in diameter. Therefore, many of these microplastics can only be seen through a microscope. Due to their widespread presence, microplastics are a major form of pollution and a real problem for us and our environment. Where they are found? Little did we know nearly everything we touch consists of some form of plastic. Microplastics are found everywhere in our homes, the water we drink, landfills, our environment, the ocean, marine life, humans, animals, and much more. These come from a variety of sources. There are two microplastic categories, primary and secondary. Primary plastics are intentionally made small for commercial use such as the products we use every day . The plates we eat on, the toothpaste we use, hair products, clothing we wear, paint, and various other everyday items we use. The next category is secondary plastics which happens when larger plastics break down...