Activity 2.2.1 – My Daily Water Use

My household of 8 people water bill was Very surprising to me as I never really realized how much water we really use on a day to day its honestly very concerning as we could be conserving so much water if we would have paid more mind to are daily use.

May -     24,000  gallons

June-      22,500 gallons

July-     25,500 gallons

24,000 + 22,500 + 25,500 = 72,000 gallons

72,000  divided by 3 = 24,000 gallons per month

24,000 divided by 8 = 3,000 gallons/person/month

3,000 divided by 30 = 100 gallons/person/day

Calculator 1

Name: Hunter Water

URL: Hunter Water Calculator

Result: 85 gallons/day per person             

Calculator 2

Name: Southwest Florida Water Mgmt District

URL: SWFWMD Water Use Calculator

Result: 90 gallons/day per person                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

From my findings, my household uses around 100 gallons per person per day based on water bills, which is on par with the national average of 80-100 gallons per day. The calculators I used from online resources  provided pretty similar estimates, such as Hunter Water calculating 85 gallons/day and the SWFWMD calculator at 90 gallons/day. these calculations show that my households water use is of average amount for the amount of people who live with me. another thing to take note of is my location of san antonio, texas which is much dryer and having larger family its important to consider ways to reduces water usage by doing things by applying limiters on showers and other attachments that can significantly reduces the amount of water being used per person as its very easy to over uses water because you never see the actual amount you use which makes it easily disregarded and gone unnoticed.


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